My newest palette knife paintings, click on the choosen picture to see it in a larger size and also to see other artworks on the same topic.
My newest palette knife paintings, click on the choosen picture to see it in a larger size and also to see other artworks on the same topic.
I use as painting atelier a small room of my house. It is not very large but enough for me.
On the photos you can see my palette and my painting tubes of the left of the easel because I am lefthandler, nobody is perfect..
Under the easel you can see a garbage bag where I put the empty painting tubes and the soiled paper used for cleaning the knives.
Sometimes I paint outdoors, but when I paint in my studio, I listen to music, it makes a good mood for painting and for my inspiration.
As many autodidact artists painters, at the begenning, I've tried several ways of painting, such as charcoal, watercolor, acrylic and oil on canvas. Little by little, I found out I prefered to work with substential material. Therefore I've choosen to paint with oil rather than acrylic and to work with palette knives. I think oil painting is more appropriate with the use of palette knives because I can easily paint wet on wet.
I have always had a fascination with a characteristic of the impressionists artists painters where we can see their vibrant strokes of brushes. With the palette knives, I try to show the marks of my artwork produced by the palette knives. With a thick paste applied on the canvas, I strive to provide to my artwork an energic and singular style enlivened with a hint of poetry, and also to strucure the details.
When I paint, I strive to create visual sensations, by using warm, harmonious and vibrant colours, searching for a personnal style, sharing with the viewer the emotional experiences felt before the light and the colours of my artwork are my main sources of inspiration.
I've improved my painting skill with palette knives by taking part in courses organised by a famous contemporary french artist painter, and I'am always searching for new hues, subjects and styles.
Christian JEQUEL
My master palette knife painter. Before to know Christian JEQUEL and his way of painting with palette knives, I practiced painting knife, but I asked myself several questions about this way of painting. With his courses, Christian JEQUEL answered to my questions, and even more. In addition to his talent, I very much appreciate his human qualities such as his genrerosity.
This group gathers many artists painters from nearby the city of Lille. Drawing or painting, watercolor, oil, acryl or pastel are used by the members of this group.
All kinds of styles are practiced going from figurative to abstract.
French artist painter, follower of the figurative painting, I appreciate his stylish and sleek artwork.
Former litterature teacher. Yves Picci paints for about fifteen years. He uses brushes or palette knives, and recently he forsook painting oil for acryl. His pictorial world, and his main concern made of figures, landscapes, seascapes and various objects are the elements around the atmosphere of his artwork. To make this he plays with the intensity of colours. Yves Picci likes to suggest... and painting is for him, he makes no secret of it, a way of expressing what he has the laziness to write.
Autodidact french artist painter, Jean-Pierre offers us to see an artwork where we can appreciate the accuracy of his drawing. The strictness of his technique, combined with the gentle tonalities are the characteristics of his artwork. He was largely influenced by the impressionist painters.